Value Chain Mgnt.
Client Benefits

Value GLOBAL Services

We support our clients in succeeding in the global marketplace; whether they are already established abroad or just contemplating their options.  Complexities in managing global competitive strategies multiply significantly and add cultural, logistical, regulatory, political, financial, and relationship management dimensions to the challenge.  We help our clients manage their risk and uncertainty for them to capitalize on new profitable opportunities.

Key Benefits

bulletTo manage international risk and assess your global competitive options
bulletTo effectively manage global relations and sell to global accounts
bulletTo learn about the global community and identify your best opportunities


Our value global services are all based on the value chain management process.  This ensures that we constantly remain focused on your customers' needs while pursuing every opportunity to reduce your cost base.


v     Exploring international opportunities

We assist our clients with the exploration and decision making process of international or global operations opportunities from a competitive standpoint.  We assess market opportunities and provide recommendations on how to optimally develop and manage the operations.  Because of our favorable geographic location and our globally dispersed resources, we can provide our clients with direct development and operational support.

 v     Developing a global advantage

We help our clients draw the maximum advantage from their global operations and leverage each regional advantage to the optimum competitive strength of the global corporation.  We assist our clients with their global market penetration and global alliance management as well as with their global logistics and manufacturing issues.  We help them leverage their global capabilities so as to strengthen their domestic competitive position as well, and vice versa.

v     Managing global partnerships

Managing global partnerships and alliances is a distinctly different challenge than managing domestic relationships.  We support our clients in addressing all the dimensions of establishing effective and profitable global alliance and partnership relations.

v     Global account management (GAM)

We possess significant expertise in this are.  The challenge with supporting sales teams for multi-national/global customer companies, is that firms are hard pressed to find the resources needed to provide their customers with comprehensive global support.  We help companies develop effective GAM models and partnerships to provide them with a competitive advantage with the management of large accounts.  We set up effective sales processes so that global sales teams comprised of sales resources in varying channels, countries, cultures and companies, can be highly effective and efficient in addressing your customers' needs.

v     Global business symposia

We prepare and coordinate half day to three day forums for our clients’ senior international management staff, partners and customers to bring them up to speed on the various social, political, economic and industry developments in a global region or in a country.  We feature world-class speakers at these events and ensure that there is a great diversity of experience and opinions presented to the audience. We customize these programs so that they can be as broad or as focused as our clients want.


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