Value Chain Mgnt.
Client Benefits

Value DISCOVERY services

We analyze our clients’ value chains and industry, recommend competitive positioning strategies and target market segments and assist them with strengthening their core competencies.  We streamline their processes and organizational design and establish the right strategic relations for their firm.

Key Benefits

bulletTo understand your competitive landscape
bulletTo discover your customers' needs
bulletTo assess your capabilities


Our value discovery services are all based on the value chain management process.  This ensures that we constantly remain focused on your customers' needs while pursuing every opportunity to reduce your cost base.


v     Competitive assessment

We develop a matrix and a SWOT profile of your competitive landscape to enable you to differentiate your strategy, leverage your product and service advantages and optimize key supplier and channel relationships.

v     Market assessment

We size the markets and map the industry structures to recommend positioning strategies for the segments with the greatest growth and profitability potential available to you.

v     Trend analysis

We identify key trends in the industry and customer behavior as well as expected changes in major drivers of cost, demand, technology and competitive pressures to assist you in building a sustainable advantage with your long term strategic plans.

v     Customer value assessment

We research the key variables of customer behavior, paying particular attention to the customers’ own value chains and cost drivers, to pinpoint areas in which offer differentiation, service levels and other elements of the customer-firm relationship maximize customer value within your respective market segments.

v     Functional value assessment

We examine, benchmark, and classify functional areas in terms of value activities and seek opportunities for your firm to leverage competitive advantages and improve overall system effectiveness and efficiency for providing your customers with optimal value at the lowest possible cost.

v     Strategic relationship profiling and initiation

We seek out and profile potential partner and alliance relationships based on strategic and objective criteria to exploit synergies, optimize interrelationships, broaden your scope and capture more value for your firm.

v     Mergers and acquisitions, and JVs

We perform due diligence reviews regarding your prospective mergers and acquisitions, joint-ventures, and partnerships from a competitive standpoint.  We assess your strategic and operational fit with prospective candidate companies and help you establish joint goals and align the processes of the respective organizations.

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Value Discovery
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Value Learning
Value Global


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