Value Chain Mgnt.
Client Benefits

Value ENHANCEMENT Services

We focus on optimizing our clients’ operations.  We proceed by analyzing our clients’ functions and processes and establish value objectives.  We assist with organizational and relationship issues to foster joint market, cost and growth objectives for our clients to achieve the right balance between strategic imperatives, customer preferences and profitability objectives.

Key Benefits

bulletTo develop improve your functional efficiency and effectiveness
bulletTo to ensure your processes channel value to the customers
bulletTo increase your sphere of influence and control over the value chain


Our value enhancement services are all based on the value chain management process.  This ensures that we constantly remain focused on your customers' needs while pursuing every opportunity to reduce your cost base.


v     Functional focus initiatives

We analyze key functions of your value chain, benchmark their performance in terms of value differential value advantage, cost, and effectiveness and recommend courses of action to improve your competitive positioning after reviewing value creating strategies, cost structures and drivers, sourcing alternatives, vertical movement as well as horizontal consolidation options.

v     Process improvement

We focus on particular processes and value activities because of their significance either in cost, strategic advantage, or competitive differentiation, and research ways in which they can be improved in terms of customer value, or how they can be performed more effectively and efficiently.

v     Process and function alignment

We evaluate your key processes and functions in terms of their vertical and horizontal organization in the value chain, improve their effectiveness and reduce their cost by seeking ways to optimize organizational, functional and process linkages.

v     Organizational reengineering

We redefine organizational roles and responsibilities in terms of the value chain objectives, recommend realignment to enhance linkages and synergies with other organizations within the value chain, design new performance metrics and reward systems to compel paradigm shifts, and support you with the necessary change management programs.

v     Alliance and post-merger relationship management

We assist you in developing relationship management processes with your existing partners and allies and help you establish joint goals and objectives for effective collaboration.  We provide a similar service to help you integrate post-merger, or joint-venture organizations.

v     Collaboration systems

We establish key requirements and make recommendations for the selection of effective end-to-end value chain collaboration systems supporting your strategic objectives and optimizing the linkages between internal and external organizations and value activities to cost-efficiently deliver high value to your customers.

v     Learning and knowledge transfer

We identify areas where learning and knowledge transfer amongst your corporate organizations, partners, and channel and alliance members can improve synergy, innovation, and performance, thereby enhancing your competitive edge, and recommend ways in which you can truly capture value from the aggregate knowledge base.

v     Industry management

We interpret the industry structures affecting your firm, explain the strategic implications and recommend how you can influence industry forces and shape industry structures.  We advise you on how to handle your competitors' defensive and offensive strategies, when to put up barriers or when to invite other competitors onto your turf and partner with them.  We suggest approaches by which you can establish leadership and influence your marketplace, your environment, your industry and public policy.

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