Value Chain Mgnt.
Client Benefits

PARTNER And alliance management

Every relationship of a firm affects its value chain in either tangible and intangible ways and contributes to shaping its business model.   Only those special relationships designed for a specific purpose and requiring a significant commitment level provide the firm with a strategic advantage.

In the context of our methodology, VXTConsulting assists its clients in establishing and/or leveraging its strategic relations by focusing on the aspects of the relationships that help meet its objectives for the value chain:

Ø      Boost our client’s competitive advantage by deriving incremental customer value.

Ø      Increase sales through improved productivity and new segment/channel access.

Ø      Cost/investment reduction through process improvements and shift in activities.

The value activities contributing to our clients' achievement of these objectives operate at different levels within partner and alliance relationships, as emphasized with the value chain management process.  However, there is a cost associated with cultivating relationships, which require time, investment and expense in order to unleash the value potential.  Hence, our methodology also emphasizes controls, safeguards, perception, and cost drivers of relationships by bringing into focus their strategic implications and by developing fitting relationship management models.

Strategic implications

Ø      Strategic fit of the relationship (s)

Ø      Role of the firm in the relationship (or within a network)

Ø      Resource commitments, scope and objectives

Ø      Independence , platform architecture and proprietary knowledge

Ø      Market structure/segmentation and competitive response

Relationship management

Ø      Purpose and nature of the relationship

Ø      Partner selection (strategic and objective criteria, factors affecting choice, due diligence, certification, etc.)

Ø      Convergence of corporate goals, objectives and processes

Ø      Relationship development process

o       Value concept definition and joint relationship objectives setting

o       Relationship management process (investment, asymmetry and trust)

o       Partner learning and mutual adaptation

o       Relationship development and resource acquisitions

Ø      Competitive dynamics within the relation

Ø      Conflict resolution and escalation procedures

Ø      Develop value creating network management and leadership models: operational excellence, customer responsiveness, and performance superiority

Critical success factors, besides operational and financial considerations, are change management, coaching and facilitation where we provide assistance as required.

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Strategy Development
Competitive Assessment
Trend Analysis
Customer Value Analysis
Functional Value Analysis
Channel Development
Relationship Management
Value Chain Mgnt. Process


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