Value Chain Mgnt.
Client Benefits

INCREASED Sales productivity

How is it measured?

Growth of sales per sales person, or per company employee, period over period.  Or reduction of total sales costs over sales, period over period.

This addresses the competitive objective of revenue growth and can also fairly easily be measure against competitors' performance.

How is the result improved upon?

By increasing revenues (improving the productivity processes), or decreasing the number of employees or salespeople; or alternatively, reducing total sales costs.

How does VCM influence the result?

To mention a few examples:

v     Increased sales productivity comes from reengineered coordination of sales activities at multiple levels within the value chain.

v     Sales process led by a funnel process to make more effective use of resources.

v     Segment focused sales organizations with processes and support tools fit to the needs of the segments.

v     Functional involvement by marketing, engineering, planning, finance, etc., in the sales process to make a more effective use of the resources and better use of the skill sets.

v     Flexible platforms provide more options to the clients, so more clients find a better match to their needs and consequently buy more.

v     Alternate order placement and tracking systems eliminates a portion of the sales resource requirements and gives the customer more flexibility.

v     Sales automation and sales support tools improves more effective sales efforts with shorter sales cycle, higher close rates and faster implementation.

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Increased ROA
Higher Sales Productivity
Broader Market Reach
Better Partner Relations
Customer Loyalty


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